enum : Array<Any>



Validation succeeds if the instance is equal to one of the elements in this keyword’s array value.

Value This keyword must be set to a non-empty array of unique JSON values
Kind Assertion
Applies To Any
Dialect 2020-12
Changed In None
Introduced In Draft 1
Vocabulary Validation
Specification https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation.html#section-6.1.2
Metaschema https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/meta/validation
Official Tests draft2020-12/enum.json
Default None
Annotation None
Affected By None
Affects None
Also See

The enum keyword specifies a validation constraint for an instance, defining a set of permissible values. The validation succeeds if the value of the instance matches one of the elements in the enum array.

Note: Using the type keyword along the enum keyword is considered an anti-pattern, as enum constraints instances tighter than type.


Schema with string enum Schema
  "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
  "enum": [ "red", "green", "blue" ]
Valid Instance with value present in the enum is valid Instance
Invalid Instance with value not present in the enum is invalid Instance
Schema with number enum Schema
  "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
  "enum": [ 2, 45, 100 ]
Valid Instance with value present in the enum is valid Instance
Invalid Instance with value not present in the enum is invalid Instance
Invalid Instance with value having different datatype is invalid Instance
Schema with mixed-type enum Schema
  "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
  "enum": [ "red", 123, true, { "foo": "bar" }, [ 1, 2 ], null ]
Valid Instance with value present in the enum is valid Instance
Invalid Instance with value not present in the enum is invalid Instance
{ "foo": "baz" }
  • Without specifying a type, you can utilize enum to accept values of various types.